
Take your brokerage to the next level

Trusted by the biggest brokerages in the industry. No long-term contract.
Trusted by Hundreds of Brokers

Professional Plan

$50/ listing / month
5 - 10 active listings
(Min. $250 / month)
DealBuilder A.I. CIM writing tool
Unlimited valuations
Buyer tracking and automated follow ups
CIM view tracking
Automated NDA management
LOI Builder Tool
Start 7 Day Free Trial

Executive Plan

$40/ listing / month
For 11 - 49 active listings
Everything in basic plan
Volume discount
Access to new data room tool
Start 7 Day Free Trial

Enterprise Plan

Let’s talk!
50+ active listings
Everything in Executive plan
Even bigger savings
Book A 15-min Call
Special price for Deal Studio Clients

Exclusive partnership and seamless integration with Deal Studio

You know Deal Studio for its leading business broker CRM. Now, we’re taking your capabilities to the next level with a full integration with DealBuilder—your new secret weapon in deal-making efficiency.
Automated CIM Writing
Say goodbye to the manual grind and hello to breezy, automated CIM creation using Artificial Intelligence.
Unlimited Valuations
Get accurate, data-driven valuations with the click of a button.
Data Room
Share deal documents securely and with ease.

Deal Studio Plan

Limited Time
Exclusive monthly pricing
$25/ listing
Superpower your Deal Studio experience with DealBuilder
Automated CIM writing
Data room
Valuation tool
Seller onboarding
Due diligence management
LOI Builder
Start Your 7 Day Free Trial

Not Yet A Deal Studio Client?

Learn more about the Deal Studio CRM, built specifically for Business Brokers. Book a call to find out if this powerful integration with DealBuilder is a good fit for you and your team.

We estimate that we will save up to $60,000 in overhead this year due to the efficiencies DealBuilder brings to our 8 person advisory firm.

Keith MacKenzie
Founder, Chinook

I've built my system to try to focus more on my strengths of meeting with people than working at the computer which has allowed me to compete with larger firms from the start. DealBuilder is a big part of that for me. I hope for a long and fruitful relationship of collaboration.

Brian A
Business Broker, Transworld